Trippy Day(s) 01 – Camping in a Tent and Eating OXO Cubes


Today is the first trip for our course! 3 weeks in and we’re already going to London~

After much trouble getting there, as some had trouble finding parking spaces, we had a walk from the station to one of the meeting points to meet up with the rest of them there probably around under half an hour of the supposed meeting time but at least everyone on the trip made it.


So walking down a long road, we keep going and I notice we were getting close, by the small detail of the shops around with the words “Brick Lane” in.


And around one of the corners, there is a large crowd…for the Tent London Exhibition!

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As we bought the tickets, we are given a wristband to wear to show that we have bought them but it is pretty cute just wearing it around~


We had seen many different types of furniture, which can be considered an art, that are very contemporary and many innovative. We were given a free bag and it was really helpful so that we can take business cards and magazines and catalogues and postcards and whatnot. Although in the end…the bag became even heavier than my normal bag with my camera in!


At one stop, they were serving Norwegian coffee and that was pretty strong. Everyone in my group wanted us, the ones who drank the coffee, to hurry up but it was very hot. The coffee was a nice wake-up call, or so I think it did??????

What was neat in another section was that in one of the textile sections, there was a lady actually making the materials and such so the viewers can see how it’s made.

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And after much walking around, filling our bags with info and dragging the heavy bags along, we ended up not finishing viewing everything because it was stuffy on the highest floor plus we were getting a little crabby from all the walking and there was just too many exhibits there so I think for the next trip at a large exhibition, only take a closer look at the exhibits that make you swoon.

We then went for lunch and ate KFC in a park because the place had no seats.
We were followed by many ravenous pigeons and ended up sitting on the floor in an area where there were no pigeons in sight because we were getting paranoid of them.
(Note to self, do not buy the Ricebox from KFC anymore, the rice was really disappointing)


We had then decided to go to another place, as suggested on the plan, so we went to the station again and went to the next place, in which my free bag had ended up breaking at so I had to carry it like a massive parcel ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


At the next station and with some walking involved, our next stop is within range~

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After another painful walk, we arrive to another neat place~
The OXO Tower for the Designersblock!


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There were many good things in this area and is placed within a fairly derelict looking place but had a lot of style with that but it felt like a secret hideaway for these designers.

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To be honest I think I preferred this place than Tent because there were a lot less things going on but had just enough to keep me excited. There were less people in this one so it didn’t feel as cramped ahahahah
One of the ladies there was nice and had asked about which school we came from and such and had said that she wishes she could go to uni again because it was her best 3 years in her life. Aside from that, she was also like me when she was my age, unsure of what to do in life in whichever course to take. But I am getting more of an idea nowadays but still find myself in a pickle as there are too many exciting things to get into!
Even so, she told us good luck for the course ahahah~


We ended up not finishing going through everything in this exhibition because we were panicking about trains and such, plus I think one person in our group was planning to be at home around 5-ish and it was around 4 when we left so we were with the rush-hour people ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
In the end, I didn’t get home until 6:20PM ahahahahaahahahhahahahhahahah *quiet crying noises inside*

I just loved all the exhibits as most of them were exciting to look at and inspiring to gain ideas from.
The only thing I didn’t like was the countless walking and my stupid choice of picking up nearly all the promotional cards and booklets and magazines and even posters.
But what disappointed me the most was the (new KFC Ricebox) fact that I wasn’t able to get to see every little thing due to the time factor we had during the day and I really wished I could’ve seen everything. Ah, then again, we were all dragging our bodies along to the train station at the end of the day as we had just done way loads of walking around.
Maybe come back to these places again in the future for the fun of it? I would do that with the gang again if we all could and would go back to these places ahahahah
Hopefully on our next trips for this course, we would have learnt what to do and what not to do from today’s events!


But what is most relieving is being at home after a long day of walking around.
My bag ended up looking this bulky in the end ahhhhhh
Just by looking, you can tell how easily the bag would’ve broke from how heavy everything was together!


Just looking into the bag makes me………………………………………………………………….ah, so much stuff…
There’s so much stuff I don’t even want to take them out!
In the picture it may not look like a lot but trust me, there’s loads in the bag…

And what I haven’t shown in this blog post are the pictures of the actual stuffs in the exhibits!
(The gallery of photos is currently in progress to showcase all of the pictures of today)
There are a total of 316 saved photos in today’s trip!

Until next time, take care~!

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